
We are on countdown to our 2024 which is our 70th birthday!

Next year 2024 is our Platinum 70th Year and we want to celebrate in style! We are creating an exciting calendar of events which includes a 70th Birthday Platinum Ball in the Autumn!

We have set an ambitious fundraising target of…

Which means we need your help to spread the word to the local community!

Not only is it our 70th birthday, BUT we are going to be having a REBRAND! We have felt for a while now that our name is not fully reflective of who we are, and our logo could be seen as a bit old fashioned! We are looking to LAUNCH our new name and logo at our Platinum Ball!

We have created a wishlist, so if you can help, or you know of anyone that can help with any of our wishes then please get in touch!

Bring the whole family for a sausage and chip supper and quiz at Kempston Hammers Sports and Social Club on Friday 26th January 2024. Just £10 per person! Get your tickets here: Family Quiz Night (google.com)


Be You-nique, Be You-tiful,  Be you!

Sign up your school, college, company or just you and your friends.

Pay £2 and come as your You-nique, Be You-tiful self and Be-You on Dress 2 Express day 2024. If you want you can add a little bit of sparkle to celebrate our Platinum birthday!

This will replace Wear It Blue and the date is set for…

Thursday 28th March 2024!

The poster is ready to share, along with an email or letter template for you to use to encourage schools and workplaces to sign up! You can also download the poster here.

You can download this document to help with any asks you have, as it tells people about us, some of our events and how people can help!